
Meet Frankie, One of Our Growers

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My son Frankie graduated from high school in 2019. Although I had learned about A Farm Less Ordinary from his high school teacher we did not have any personal experience with the farm until he was in the CAST program. He had not had much luck on job interviews until his teacher took him to AFLO for an interview. He came home so excited, proclaiming it was “the best day of my life” because they had offered him a job. Any parent who is lucky enough to see their child so happy knows the feeling of warmth that spreads from their heart to fill their soul with joy.

Although Frankie is very bright, having Autism can make him respond to some situations a little differently than most people. When faced with an activity he is unsure of, he will avoid doing it at all costs because he is afraid of failing. Since this was a completely new experience for him, we knew there would be many challenges for him to face. To help him adjust he was supposed to have a job coach to guide him in this transition into a working adult. With the closing of schools, he was forced to do this on his own. As a mom I feared this might become an insurmountable obstacle. However, the current pandemic has forced us all to face A World Less Ordinary, which meant that my husband was home from work. Maya and Greg were very understanding and open to the idea that my husband go to the farm to help Frankie in this transition to employment.

With the guidance and support of everyone involved I see my son growing each day like the plants lovingly tended at A Farm Less Ordinary. Saying thank you seems so inadequate but THANK YOU!